Sinisterra Benoit - Surf - splash wawe

Benoît Sinisterra





7, rue Gaspard Valette
CH - 1206 Geneva


T : +41 - (0)77 - 473 18 12

E :


 Southern Cross - safaris & tours



16, van der Horst road
ZA - 7975 Kommetjie - Cape Town
Republic of South Africa

 T : +27 - (0)21 - 783 41 15

come on and safari with us !

Since 1967, expert, elegant and adventurous safaris & tours in southern Africa.


Fantastic Places, Excellent Service & Best Prices - with Love .


Cape, Namibia, Ovambo, Ndebeleland, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Limpopo, Swasiland, Lesotho, KwaZulu-Natal, Xhosaland.



Get in touch …  and we pick you up,

Benoit Sinisterra - Southern Cross - safaris & tours
Sinisterra - Southern Cross - safaris & tours
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Enjoy this inspired documentary produced in Morocco by a soulful surfin' safari company from Switzerland - they are highly spirited, pay them a visit @ The Surf Tribe - all rights reserved - 2023